
Showing posts from January, 2018
I grew up in a family that the first every January was designated to goal setting.  We called them goals instead of resolutions because perhaps goals were more seriously kept.  I always made at least 10 goals with categories of things like health and fitness, financial, reading, spiritual focus, friendships, etc... and most years I kept one goal... always the reading goal.  I have always been an avid reader so this was easy for me. I was also the girl that loved the 6 week summer semester for college classes.  Just about the time I would get bored with the class or tired of studying ... it was over This year, as I was thinking about goals for the year 2018, I almost threw in the towel but that goal setting is deeply ingrained in me.   About the same time, I saw a challenge to drink a gallon of water a day and thought I would give that a shot.  Then I got an idea, what if I set weekly goals... a timeframe that is more my style.  Just about the time I get bored or think I can'