I grew up in a family that the first every January was designated to goal setting.  We called them goals instead of resolutions because perhaps goals were more seriously kept.  I always made at least 10 goals with categories of things like health and fitness, financial, reading, spiritual focus, friendships, etc... and most years I kept one goal... always the reading goal.  I have always been an avid reader so this was easy for me.

I was also the girl that loved the 6 week summer semester for college classes.  Just about the time I would get bored with the class or tired of studying ... it was over

This year, as I was thinking about goals for the year 2018, I almost threw in the towel but that goal setting is deeply ingrained in me.   About the same time, I saw a challenge to drink a gallon of water a day and thought I would give that a shot.  Then I got an idea, what if I set weekly goals... a timeframe that is more my style.  Just about the time I get bored or think I can't do it anymore... I have completed... while at the same time completely things that I really want to do.

So here it goes.  My first weekly goal is to drink a gallon of water a day.
Why this goal- Hydration, Increase energy, Decrease fatigue, Boost immune system, Reduce headaches, Brighten skin

I will be updating you on how it's going and at the end of the week we'll see if I've notice any differences.  Feel free to join me on these weekly goals.  Change your year one week at a time :)
